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Opening Hours, Fees and Funding


Opening hours

Breakfast Club:            7:45am    -    9:00am

Morning Session:         9:00am    - 12:00pm

Lunch Club:                 12:00pm   - 12:30pm

Afternoon Session:    12:30pm   -   3:30pm

After School Club:        3:30pm   -   5:00pm


Registration Fee



Unfunded Session Fees

3 Hour Session (unfunded 2yr olds):            £19.50

3 Hour Session (unfunded 3-4yr olds):        £17.50

Lunch Club:                                                          £   3.50

3 Hour Session (funded):                                 £   0.00 (Early Years Funding 15 hrs or 30 hrs per week)



Breakfast & After School Club Fees

Breakfast Club:                                                  £6.00 per session

Preschool After School Session:                   £3.00  (3.30pm - 4.00pm)

Infant School After School Session:            £6.00  (3.00pm - 4.00pm)

After School Club (4.00pm - 5.00pm):        £6.00


Other charges:

Early arrival/late collection fee of £10.00 per additional 15 minutes.


Late payment fee of £25.00 plus daily interest of [3%] above the Bank of England base rate charged on the outstanding amount.


Fees are invoiced on a monthly basis, unfortunately all sessions must be paid for even if missed due to illness



We can accept the following payment methods:

Bank Transfer       Caf Bank Ltd,

Sort code               40-52-40

Account                  00020882

please use your child's name as a reference


Childcare Vouchers

We are registered with the following providers




The Government’s Nursery Grant Fund rules that from September 2010 children over the age of three are entitled to 15 hours’ free entitlement per week, over 38 weeks a year, equating to a maximum of 580 hours per year.  Funding commences at the start of the term following their third birthday.  If your child is eligible to the free entitlement, your fee will be covered unless you request above these 15 hours.  You will then be invoiced for the extra hours. 

Free Early Education for Two Year Olds (FEET) is available to two year olds in Surrey.  It is an offer of up to 15 hours of free early education and childcare a week, which starts from the school term after their second birthday. 


From September 2017, the Government is launching its extended early years offer for eligible working families who could double their early years’ entitlement to 30 hours a week for 38 weeks a year. We are taking part in this extended offer and is providing a limited number of 30 hours a week places to working families in the local community.


Once your child starts at the Preschool, all sessions must be paid for including sessions missed through illness and holidays.


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